Into The Outdoors’ mission is to empower all youth, families, and teachers to make informed decisions by offering free educational content to inspire present and future generations to become social advocates and environmental stewards. For over twenty years, ITO has shared countless stories and perspectives by collaborating with subject matter experts to curate educational and inspiring messages that promote a positive appreciation for each other and our shared planet.

To raise awareness and promote the protection and humane care of injured or orphaned wildlife, ITO has partnered with Fellow Mortals Wildlife Hospital to launch the Wildlife First Responder Education Initiative. If you are an organization or individual who believes all animals deserve access to professional, humane care, we encourage you to continue reading to learn how you can be a part of shaping the future of our wildlife care culture by helping us share the pivotal messages of wildlife care intervention.

As our society expands into various wilderness areas, wildlife is forced to either relocate or live in these new shared spaces. Over the years, both the DNR’s Wildlife Management Bureau and Wildlife Rehabilitation Facilities have independently discovered a series of challenges regarding the public’s proper first responder interactions with wildlife. Our initiative has determined the holistic solution to these challenges– fill the void of public knowledge concerning wildlife first responder education through a comprehensive educational documentary by the wildlife rehabilitation experts. Below are the initiative’s goals, the reasons why these goals are imperative, and how we will achieve these goals through pivotal youth and educator education.


Into The Outdoors’ mission is to empower all youth, families, and teachers to make informed decisions by offering free educational content to inspire present and future generations to become social advocates and environmental stewards. For over twenty years, ITO has shared countless stories and perspectives by collaborating with subject matter experts to curate educational and inspiring messages that promote a positive appreciation for each other and our shared planet.

To raise awareness and promote the protection and humane care of injured or orphaned wildlife, ITO has partnered with Fellow Mortals Wildlife Hospital to launch the Wildlife First Responder Education Initiative. If you are an organization or individual who believes all animals deserve access to professional, humane care, we encourage you to continue reading to learn how you can be a part of shaping the future of our wildlife care culture by helping us share the pivotal messages of wildlife care intervention.

As our society expands into various wilderness areas, wildlife is forced to either relocate or live in these new shared spaces. Over the years, both the DNR’s Wildlife Management Bureau and Wildlife Rehabilitation Facilities have independently discovered a series of challenges regarding the public’s proper first responder interactions with wildlife. Our initiative has determined the holistic solution to these challenges– fill the void of public knowledge concerning wildlife first responder education through a comprehensive educational documentary by the wildlife rehabilitation experts. Below are the initiative’s goals, the reasons why these goals are imperative, and how we will achieve these goals through pivotal youth and educator education.


1. Encourage wildlife care compassion, raise national awareness of the public resources and services available through wildlife rehabilitation organizations, and provide the proper procedures of how to collaborate with professional rehabilitation resources to provide first responder care for wildlife.

2. Nationally reshape the preconceptions of wildlife intervention within communities about proper wildlife care procedures by addressing misinformation and provide the proper dos-and-don’ts of wildlife care intervention.

3. Establish the credibility and community understanding of the professionalism of wildlife rehabilitation specialists by explaining the training and licensing process for wildlife rehabilitation professionals.

4. Inspire future wildlife conservation advocates by sharing the fulfillment discovered by playing a role in providing care for wildlife as well as empowering advocates to take preventative measures in their own environment to reduce the amount of wildlife injury and orphaning.

5. Empower advocates to pursue a career in wildlife care by explaining the fulfilling career of wildlife rehabilitation specialists and offering direction to prepare/embark on a wildlife care career path. This goal will also empower advocates to establish their own wildlife rehabilitation hospitals in the future by highlighting how to create a professional rehabilitation hospital based on Fellow Mortals’ professional, ethical, and sustainable organization model.


To achieve our educational goals, we are producing and nationally distributing a 30-minute wildlife-care and intervention documentary on ITO’s educational distribution network to educate a projected 20 million viewers across the country with expert advice about the importance of professional wildlife care, how to properly steward wildlife, and how to collaborate with wildlife care service providers. Alongside the episode, we are also developing and distributing corresponding classroom lesson plans, activities, and videos for educators to use as supplemental curriculum for elementary to high school students in classrooms and/or homes.

1. The first goal will encourage public compassion and spread knowledge of the fragile relationship we have with the other inhabitants of our planet by sharing the critical importance of proper wildlife care as it affects: our public and individual safety, the well-being of individual wildlife, the protection of wildlife populations, biodiversity, and ultimately the health of the planet’s ecosystems. The documentary will also nationally raise awareness of the available wildlife rehabilitation organizations and services by showcasing case stories and interviews from Fellow Mortals Wildlife Rehabilitation Hospital staff. The staff will authentically describe the services offered and how to properly utilize these services by making observations and calling for intervention advice. ITO’s audience will learn how wildlife-care organizations, like Fellow Mortals, offer 1-to-1 expert advice to educate individuals on the case-by-case procedures of wildlife care and intervention as well as offer free wildlife rehabilitation services. By creating national societal awareness of these invaluable organizations and the services they provide, the public will have access to the proper information needed to properly collaborate with professionals to rehabilitate wildlife in the case of injury or orphaned.

2. The second goal will correct the spread of intervention misinformation by providing an extensive and chronological explanation of the Dos-and-Don’ts of wildlife care interaction through several “start-to-finish-how-to” case narratives to highlight common and critical cases of injured and orphaned wildlife. The episode and lesson content will highlight the following proper ways (Do’s) to collaborate with rehabilitation hospitals provide care for wildlife:

Research to find the number for your local wildlife rehabilitators professionals
Observe wildlife’s behavior from a safe distance
Call a rehabilitation expert immediately and follow their professional advice
Prepare to be a wildlife first responder by acquainting yourself with the natural history and species common to your area
The documentary will also address the following common misconceptions of wildlife care intervention (Don’ts) that create unsafe scenarios for humans and wildlife as well as reduce the effectiveness of wildlife hospitals to rehabilitate:

Do not touch the wildlife
Do not move unless advised to do so by experts
Do not feed or water
Do not live trap
Do not seek advice from uncertified sources
Do not give wildlife to anyone without asking for credentials
Do not keep wildlife in your possession

The episode will also encourage viewers to play a role in the prevention of the spread of misinformation by empowering youth and educators to share these critical messages by word of mouth and by directing others to educational resources such as this episode/lesson content. To further foster a more humane treatment culture towards wildlife, the content will also promote celebration for individuals and organizations that practice safe and humane wildlife care procedures.

3. The third goal will establish professional credibility for wildlife rehabilitators by showcasing rehabilitation facilities and procedures to educate viewers about the process of becoming a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, including the necessary training, studying, testing and inspection required prior to licensing. The content will include interviews by experts who will highlight how the years of mentor-guided practice result in extensive experiential knowledge of species interaction, natural history, preventative measures to mitigate wildlife injury, wildlife behaviors, and treatment of common and critical injuries.

The episode will also offer viewers an inside perspective of the challenges and solutions that wildlife rehabilitation hospitals face as they care for our communities by providing care for wildlife– challenges such as: lack of community knowledge of wildlife care availability that prevents professionals from providing life-saving care, lack of funding for staff and operating costs, lack of other rehabilitation facilities, and the spread of misinformation about care intervention. The solutions to these challenges are: inform communities about the widely available resource of rehabilitation hospitals and provide instructions on how to interact with this professional resource, inspire individuals, communities, and organizations to help contribute funding to protect our wildlife by supporting our wildlife hospitals, empower advocates to launch their own professional rehabilitation hospital in their career’s future.

4. The fourth goal will empower future advocates by showcasing interviews from rehabilitation staff as they share their passion and joys discovered by caretaking for wildlife. The content will also empower future advocates to be a part of wildlife conservation by providing a wildlife injury preventive education which highlights preventive measures that can be taken around homes and schools to reduce wildlife harm such as habitat and structure modifications, keeping buildings repaired, reducing the use of poison, reducing the use of glue traps, and addressing the orphaning issues of live-trapping.

5. The fifth goal will empower advocates to pursue a career in wildlife care by explaining the career of wildlife rehabilitation specialists and offering direction to prepare/embark on a wildlife care career path. The content will also empower advocates to establish their own wildlife rehabilitation hospitals in the future by highlighting a successful model of a wildlife rehabilitation hospital by illuminating the professional, ethical, and sustainable framework of Fellow Mortals’ Rehabilitation Hospital.


As public and privately funded organizations collaborate to serve wildlife and our communities, they are faced with several challenges that can be mitigated through public education. The easiest way to get involved is to reach out to us and give a nod of approval through a comment or testimonial about the importance of wildlife rehabilitation and conservation education.

By nationally fostering an informed and compassionate culture together, we will cultivate an environment where wildlife rehabilitation hospitals and services can be more efficient and effective as they rehabilitate and protect wildlife and our planet’s ecosystems. If you are passionate to play a vital role to foster this culture, we invite you to help us spread these critical messages by supporting us with a contribution to fund the production.

We envision a day where all individuals know how to properly respond to wildlife in distress. Help us achieve that day by getting involved to spread awareness of this message, initiative, and project– if you know of an individual or organization who shares our beliefs and determination to promote a more compassionate and informed society, please invite them to connect with us so we can include their perspective and expertise in the content.

We truly appreciate your passion and thank you for your time to learn more about our education initiative and project. We are excited to connect with you to share these pivotal messages together,

-The Wildlife Care Education Coalition



The Into the Outdoors broadcast television network impacts 27 on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and PBS affiliates reaching 730,000 viewers each week. This educational television series is the only program to earn 17 Emmys from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for the top youth educational series in the Midwest. Your show (content funding partners) is aired three times a year for two years impacts over 4,400,000 viewers, about half over 18 years of age. But broadcast television is just part of this story… read on.


Three years of 24/7 National Digital Channel distribution on our Into the Outdoors Digital Network with over a dozen of the top digital channels that includes; Google ChromeCast, Amazon Fire TV, Roku TV, Apple TV, Samsung SmartTV, and more…reaching a combined potential audience of 150 million users.


This series is now part of a National PBS offering through the National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA) distribution system that reaches and presents educational programs to over 277 public broadcasting stations across 46 states. Each month, over 109 million people watch their local public TV stations.


Each half-hour TV program is converted into four (4) Getting Kids & Families Safely Fishing classroom education videos distributed on the Into the Outdoors Education Network to teachers and students nationally along with free classroom lesson activities that encourage hands-on learning about fishing… and that free distribution extends to the entire aquatic education network and boating safety communities.


All of the television shows and educational videos are distributed free open-source nationally to every state/federal agency, fishing and boating safety orgs, the fishing and marine industries, and the entire R3 angling community via a dedicated media server 24/7 to use freely to enhance their R3 programs


And finally, all of the entertainment and educational media content in this program employ key psychological and production elements that empower kids to think critically for themselves using their sensibility and value systems. Research shows that these sophisticated media and educational techniques can be 400% more effective at shaping someone’s perception as opposed to trying to tell someone what to think.
By now you can see how this program uses three proven pillars that engage today’s generation – television, online videos and peer-learning classroom activities combined with key R3 strategies to create pathways for kids and their families to try fishing while practicing boating safety. And when you look at the partners below, you may notice that one of the most important things missing from this program right now… is you.

So please take a moment to make a pledge below or discover your vital role in recruiting our next generation of safe-n-smart anglers by contacting us for details on how you can join your peers who have already supported the fishing community for the past two years. Plus, download this PDF to discover all the in-show recognition you can earn when becoming a “Content Partner”.
Download PDF



Give us a call to learn more about a partnership role that can make your story part of the actual program content.

Call Dan 608-512-9596 or email danb@discovermediaworks.com

2023 ©  IntotheOutdoors.org